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Sunday Morning Gatherings

9AM & 11AM

25120 Front Ave. Mattawan

Livestream at 11AM
(click the image above!)


Youth Ministry: 180

(6th-8th Grade)

Wednesday nights 6:45-8PM

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Youth Ministry: Gravity

(9th – 12th Grade)

Sunday nights 6:30-8PM

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(Nursery – 5th grade)

Sundays during both services

Don's Blog

Thoughts from Pastor Don

The Deeper Things

Everything we see going on around us is merely the tip of the iceberg. You never really know another person. That waitress that brings you your coffee and your eggs and bacon is a person with a deep history, and deep internal thoughts and struggles. You see her smile. She is more than what you…

5 Sabbatical Observations

I’ve been back from an 8 week sabbatical for a few weeks and I’ve had a lot of opportunities to interact with a variety of people. I am grateful for the many who have asked how it went and what I’ve learned. But I still have a few people each week who ask and I…

What to Make of Israel

I have had two recent meetings and a couple of passing conversations at the coffee shop about the nation of Israel.  It also came up at our Saturday morning men’s group.  The two sit-down meetings were from visitors feeling out what kind of church we are.  They were coming from two different churches who have…