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Sunday Morning Gatherings

9AM & 11AM

25120 Front Ave. Mattawan

Livestream at 11AM
(click the image above!)


Youth Ministry: 180

(6th-8th Grade)

Wednesday nights 6:45-8PM

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Youth Ministry: Gravity

(9th – 12th Grade)

Sunday nights 6:30-8PM

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(Nursery – 5th grade)

Sundays during both services

Don's Blog

Thoughts from Pastor Don

Don’s Year End Book Reading Review

This past year I read/listened to the most books I’ve ever recorded in a single year.  Being granted an eight week sabbatical AND listening to a lot of fiction while biking helped boost the number of books. I have found it helpful in the past to categorize books according to my level of recommendation.  But…

What We Will Be

God has created a world in which we experience time as past, present, and future. I cannot conceive of any other type of world, but I’m sure God can. For some reason, God seems interested in the progress of His creation. We learn from the past. We live in the present. And we anticipate the…

Winning and Losing in a Losing World

I don’t know how long you’ve been kicking around on this planet, but I’ve been here for over half a century. And that doesn’t make me any kind of expert. I could live here for centuries and still find surprises that would challenge my perceptions. But one thing that doesn’t take very long at all…