This thanksgiving, I am grateful for Linda, vows, and a God-given helper! She is truly a gift! I thank you for Adam, Luke and Leah . . . for laughter, joy, energy, and the constant test of my parenting skills. This year You have graciously shown us the Grand Canyon, the St. Louis Arch, and Arches National Park and I am thankful for a safe trip there, a family to enjoy it with, and a stronger bond upon returning.
I thank you for ReCAST church . . . For friendship, challenge, growth, your transforming power, Your Living Word, Your Spirit’s work, the community of faith, Music to bring you praise, the messiness of authentic living, the reality of forgiveness, the hope of eternity.
I thank you for sunrises, early morning runs, mountain biking in the summer, the Rockies, the Smokies, South Haven, and the huge Oak tree behind our house.
You have given me a warm and safe home, great neighbors, a fridge to keep the cool stuff cool, an oven to heat up stuff, vehicles that move me from place to place, the means to keep them fueled and working, and a bed to rest on every night.
But I am most grateful for salvation, forgiveness, eternal life, the indwelling Spirit, your patience and mercy, hope for the new earth, and reconciliation, all found in the substitutionary atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross!
Thank You!