Posts about the need for Christians to find commonality in Christ.
Deuteronomy 7:9 “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations” I once was a church planter, and now I am a pastor. Technically, I was both from the beginning, but…
At some point between the idea of planting ReCAST and the actual first church service in that basement over 13 years ago, I attended a conference called Sticky Church. Another church planter had an extra ticket and I was available that day, so I went along. The gist of the conference was well intentioned, if…
I grew up in a world of concrete good and bad. Wrong and right. Everything to my young developing mind was black and white. When I came to understand Christ and was saved through faith in His sacrifice, I went through a phase of systematically removing the bad and replacing it with the “good”. Out…
This week, I am preaching a text that contains over 31 commands! Yes, it is firehose of instruction that intentionally was written by the apostle Paul to overwhelm us with a portrait of genuine love for one another in the church. By the end of Romans 12:9-21 we have a pretty amazing picture of what…
I was a lifeguard in my youth. I served at Camp Barakel as a lifeguard, a head lifeguard, and I even worked at the Y as a paid lifeguard when I was newly married and trying to work as much as possible to make ends meet. And one lesson that I learned as a…
Last week we had a scary situation at ReCAST Church. A woman arrived to drop off her children at ReCAST Kids and could not find her 7 year old son. Our children’s director and hall monitors went to work right away scouring the building and the search spread outdoors as the Elder on Duty was…
Can a wall be immoral? Not exactly, because walls have no will. They merely sit there, stoic and lonely, giving in to the ravages of time and entropy. Poor walls. But I would like to just quickly weigh in on the hyped up rhetoric that is currently swirling around in our culture that may have…
Peace to you. For anyone who is in Christ, peace is yours. For those who are not in Christ, peace is available to you. But a glance around at the wind and waves of culture would lead all hearts to another conclusion. If we listen, see, and feel with our emotions alone, cries of division…