Tuesdays during the school year
10:00-11:30 am
If you have an infant, preschooler, and/or young elementary age kids at home, you’re invited to come to ReCAST every Tuesday morning from 10:00-11:30 am to hang out with other moms of young kids!
Our goals are for the ReCAST moms of young kids to:
- Get to know each other!
- Be encouraged and equipped in your role as a mom and wife.
- Meet and get to know older experienced ReCAST women, “mentor moms.”
What’s it going to look like?
Playgroup weeks will be open play time with kids and moms together.
Study weeks will have childcare for the kids so their moms can study the Word of God together. Bring your Bibles those weeks. (Optional: Bring cash for childcare worker donations. Suggested donation: $2/kid max $5/family) There will not be any homework or prep needed for our Bible Study time together. We plan to do inductive studying of the Bible and learn how to study the Bible yourself and get something out of it.
Mom’s & Tots Schedule for the 2023/2024 School Year
Put this group on your calendar and stay tuned for details!
The leadership group for this is Karrie Frohbieter and Linda Filcek. Contact them with questions or ideas!