We meet at 9AM and 11AM on Sunday mornings
Join us on Sunday mornings! ReCAST Kids is available for Infant-5th grade during both services.
We are a gathering of people who are growing and learning to worship God above all other things. It is our conviction that the Bible is the faithful guide to lead us into a deeper relationship with God. We have a simple process that directs us: we help people grow in Faith, Community, and Service.
Our name comes from our core values
ReCAST is not only our name, but an acronym for our core values!
- Replicating
- Our goal is to see the work that God has done in our hearts and our church to be replicated in other hearts and in other communities.
- Community
- We desire to be a blessing to the Mattawan community and be an active part of what’s going on around us.
- Authenticity
- We seek to foster an environment where people feel comfortable and safe sharing how they are REALLY doing.
- Simplicity
- We define spiritual maturity as a life of continued growth in faith, community, and service. Our simple church programming reflects these three areas of growth.
- Truth
- We believe God’s Word, the Bible, to be the source of ultimate Truth and we base everything we do on the Truth found in the pages of Scripture.
Our name also comes from Luke 5:4…
And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘put out into the deep and let down your nets.’ After fishing all night and not catching a thing, Peter and the disciples ReCAST their nets to the other side in obedience to their Lord and they hauled in a net full of fish. And Jesus immediately commanded them to follow Him and become fishers of men.
If you join us on a Sunday morning, you’ll find a casual atmosphere. Enjoy the coffee and donut holes that are provided. You will find that while we don’t take ourselves too seriously, we do take God and His Word very seriously.
You may also get involved in various community groups as well as service and volunteer opportunities.
Above all, please know that anyone is welcome anytime. We look forward to meeting you!

Kids and Teens
ReCAST Kids programs run for Infant – 5th grade on Sunday mornings during both services.

180 (Middle School) meet Wednesday nights from 6:45-8pm.
Gravity (High School) meet Sunday nights from 6:30-8pm.