If you were at the ReCAST volunteer luncheon a couple weeks ago, you heard us announce that Jackie Kline is going to work for Heartland Hospice full-time as their bereavement coordinator. If you were at our family meeting last Sunday, you heard Nathan announce that he’s going to air traffic control school in Oklahoma next fall. If you’ve read the eCAST we send out every week, you read about these two changes.
Change is definitely in the air this Spring at ReCAST. And change is a great time to look back and reflect on the blessings God has given.
I am so grateful that God brought Jackie and Nathan to ReCAST Church for the exact time He had them both here. Their personalities and talents were exactly what we needed as a church for this tremendous time of change when we moved into a new building. They were organized in the midst of chaos, financially responsible in buying things for the spaces there were assigned to spend money for, and both of them kept their programs running with efficiency and seamlessly brought them into this new space. They invested in kids, students and families for eternity. I have personally enjoyed having them at staff meetings, around the office, as partners in ministry here at ReCAST. We will miss them both. Although Jackie is staying at ReCAST and will be around still, at the end of the summer Nathan (and his bride Meaghan!) will be gone from West Michigan.
But for me, change is also an exciting time to anticipate what God is GOING to do! He has been so faithful to lead the right people to ReCAST at just the right time. I’m excited to see who He brings to fill the role of ReCAST Children’s Director, which we are accepting applications for right now. I’m excited to meet the next ReCAST Youth Director, which will be soon be accepting applications for, and see what changes in our middle school and high school programs God has in store.
For us humans, the unknown can be a little scary sometimes. But for our big God, this isn’t surprising and there is no unknown future to grapple with. So, we can rest in that and move with eager anticipation into the future He has planned for us as a church! I’m confident it’s going to be great.