I am in awe of all the work that gets done each week at ReCAST church! We have a crew that sets up and tears down the entire stage, seating, and children’s classrooms! We have a crew that comes in early to make coffee and set out the donuts and juice. We have teachers and helpers (including a registration crew) that run a super amazing children’s program for over 100 kids every Sunday. Then there is the praise team. Our worship leader is a volunteer and every musician and sound technician is giving of their talents and skills to play amazing worship music every week.
On top of this, there are many behind the scenes volunteers in everything from administration, office work, to cleaning and building maintenance. We have volunteers who report to volunteers.
I am so thankful! As ReCAST is close to averaging 300 we need volunteers to make this work. The fact of the matter is, that these volunteers are priceless in what they offer to the church. We are a group of people who serve one another with our talents and skills.
On top of all of this volunteering within the church there is an often missed form of volunteering that goes unnoticed in the church, but needs to be commended and encouraged, and that is community involvement.
I am very grateful for the many in our church that are engaged by volunteering in our community. From helping to coordinate a 5k fundraiser for the Education Foundation, to serving on the school board, to coaching little league, AYSO, or running concessions for the Athletic Boosters, we have many people who are engaging our community with their time in order to show genuine love and concern for this community.
We have had many get involved in the Mattawan Area Pantry that serves 50-70 families in need in our community each week. I am not writing this to sing the praises of ReCAST, but I am very thankful for a church body that is consistently involved in community service. One of our core values is Community, and community in our core values is defined as the community outside of the four walls of the church. We long to be a church that would be missed in Mattawan if we left. Rather than being a church that would not even be missed if we closed our doors, we want to have an impact by bringing a hand of help and a sense of love to our community.
I am in awe by the amount of volunteer hours represented by the people of ReCAST Church. And let me say, “Thank You!” to all of you who are giving of your time to the church and to the community!