Books Available

Check out the shelves by the Welcome Table for some good books that are available for free or for a donation to cover the cost. We want to get good resources into your hands!  (The suggested donation amount listed on the envelope in the front of the book is what ReCAST paid for them.  We…

Facility Use Request Form

If you are looking for a place for your group to meet, your team to practice, or your family to gather, please know we would LOVE to have you use our building! We charge nominal fees (really just for cleaning) and we’re not looking to make money… we are just happy to share our space…

COVID-19 Practices

Masks Face masks are strongly encouraged by the CDC. However, per the MDHHS’s Gatherings and Face Mask Order, “the requirement to wear a face mask in gatherings as required by this order does not apply to individuals who are engaging in a religious service.” Things We Encourage You to Do Maintain social distancing Stay home if…