Last night I attended a community forum to help a consulting firm determine the proper profile for our new superintendent in Mattawan. I was one of five people who showed up. The consultant wasn’t disappointed because he had actually received statistically significant data through an online survey, but I must confess that I was surprised by the low turnout.
When we started ReCAST Church 6 years ago, it became increasingly clear that the schools are the hub of our community. And the role of superintendent is the most powerful position in a school system.
By attending the meeting last night, I learned that laws in the state of Michigan require that all interviews for candidates for a superintendent position as well as any deliberations about those interviews must take place in an open forum. And this particular consultant encouraged us to get as many people from the community out as possible to take part in the interviews and the deliberations.
This is a place where our voices can be heard directly and we can have a positive impact in helping our schools to find the best possible candidate for the leader of our local school system. I recognize that there are many competing priorities and not everybody loves community forums like me.
But I believe that Christians, in the call to do good for their communities, should look to volunteer their time in some capacity for the betterment of their immediate community. Whether it is planting flowers in the park, working a shift at the local food pantry, or getting involved in assisting the local school board in replacing a superintendent, there are many ways to step up and be a blessing and a help.
One of the reasons ReCAST intentionally keeps their programming low, is for the purpose of community involvement! It is my hope that our impact throughout the community looks like a grassroots involvement that is unpretentious and genuinely motivated out of kindness and a desire to bless.
Keep your eyes open for the posted interview times. I hope to see some of you there!