Rather than add more content to an expanding body of opinions and speculation, I have decided to blog about 5 random points of gratitude that have nothing to do with COVID-19.
1. The Snow Drops are Up in the Woods by My House
This is always the first sign of Spring around my house. The previous few owners did a great job planting seasonal flowers and trees. It is just a matter of time until the large red bud tree begins to blossom. The magnolia in front of my window will blossom with the dogwood on its heels. I love the Spring. And my heart rejoices in the newness it brings.
2. Wagoner’s Fried Chicken is Amazing
It is often small things that make my heart rejoice. I don’t worship food, but I sure am glad that God gave tastebuds for our enjoyment. I stopped by Wagoner’s (my local grocery store) the other day and took some fried chicken home to my family for dinner. It was delicious. God is good.
3. Bob Ross has a Soothing Voice
My entire family is pretty high strung. I have no idea where they get it. We figured out a while back that we can all sit down and watch Bob Ross on Netflix and he makes us all smile and chill. I am thankful for the smile and chill.
4. Daylight Savings is So Two Weeks Ago
As a person who gets up fairly early each day to spend time reading Scripture and praying, the spring ahead does indeed take some adjustment. But it never seems to be as tough as all the complaints surrounding it. I am glad that the week of adjustment is past and I am able to roll out of bed to my morning routine.
5. My Wife is Amazing (and Amazingly Recovering)
February, and the first couple weeks of March, had Linda recovering from a surgery to repair torn cartilage in her hip from a running injury. It was a tough month with only one driver in the home. Basketball games for my daughter, worship practices for my son, laundry, meals, and my other responsibilities kept me hopping. It is so good to have Linda back, increasing in strength. And she can drive, which is half the battle at this stage of life. I am glad and grateful for my wife. She is such an amazing woman. I respect her help all the more, having gone 6 weeks without it.
This is my random list of five non-COVID-19 related points of gratitude. What would make your list? I think it is a good exercise to take a moment and think about what makes you thankful. There are so many blessings all around us. I would love to hear the ways you are being blessed this week.