Hi Families,
I hope you all had a really wonderful time on Sunday celebrating Christ’s resurrection. I was bummed that we couldn’t gather together at ReCAST to celebrate, but still so thankful we could celebrate at home. It’s been really fun seeing pictures/videos of those of you who have participated in the last few challenges. Nice work! If you haven’t had chance to check out some of the pictures/videos that were submitted, check out the ReCAST Kids facebook page.
Since our Stay Home, Stay Safe order has been extended, I wanted to send you a few more lessons. Remember, these are VERY BRIEF overviews, but I wanted you to have them in case you’d like to keep moving forward with your kiddos. Just like I mentioned before, if you need further content, guidance, and or ideas for application reach out to me our your child’s teacher. We’re happy to help 🙂
If you need anything this week or would like me or the staff to pray for you, let me know and I’ll be sure to pass it along.
*we teach one lesson for a whole month*
Lesson: We love Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
Main Idea: Jesus is most special. We love Jesus
2 & 3 year olds
Lesson/Main Idea: Jesus is most special.
Scripture References: Luke 1:26-33; Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:1-12
Memory Verse: Psalm 36:5
Lesson/Main Idea: Jesus is enough for everything we need.
Scripture References: John 6:1-14
Memory Verse: Philippians 4:13
Lesson/Main Idea: Jesus is good and kind. We should thank Jesus.
Scripture References: Luke 17:11-19
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5a
4 year olds – Young 5’s
Lesson: God Preserves Moses.
Scripture Reference: Exodus 1:8-2:10
Main Ideas: Satan deceives man and lies to man. Faith pleases God. God is faithful, merciful, and gracious.
Lesson: Moses flees Egypt.
Scripture Reference: Exodus: 2:11-25
Main Ideas: Man is a sinner and needs God. God is faithful and His promises are true. God is almighty and sovereign.
Lesson: God calls Moses to deliver Israel.
Scripture Reference: Exodus 3-4
Main Ideas: God is all-powerful; there is nothing God cannot do. God is everywhere all the time and He knows everything.
K – 1st grade
Lesson: Jesus brings joy to unhappy sinners.
Scripture References: John 11:1-43; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:17-18; Psalm 92:4
Main Ideas: Jesus displays the greatness of God in all He does. Jesus has power over death. Praise and worship express the true happiness we find in Jesus.
Memory Verse: Psalm 92:4
Lesson: Jesus serves sinners.
Scripture References: Luke 19:38a; John 13:1-8; Matthew 20:28
Main Ideas: Even though Jesus is the most important person of all, He became a humble servant. Sinners must be made clean.
Memory Verse: Matthew 20:28
Lesson: Jesus loves sinners
Scripture References: John 21:25; John 13:31-38; John 14:1; John 15:9-15
Main Ideas: Jesus demonstrates the love of His father. Jesus freely chooses to love sinners and calls them to be His friends. Jesus shows unworthy sinners the depth of His love.
Memory Verse: John 15:13
2nd – 3rd grade
Lesson: Be a humble servant.
Scripture References: Mark 9:33-35; Matthew 23:11-12; John 13:4-5; Philippians 2:3-8; John 13:15; 1 Corinthians 1:26-28a, 30a; 1 Peter 5:5b-9a
Main Ideas: Jesus commands His disciples to follow His example of true humility. Being a humble servant to others is great in God’s eyes. We are to consider the needs of others and seek to serve them.
Memory Verse: Philippians 2:3
Lesson: Be merciful.
Scripture References: Luke 10:33-34, 36-37; Mark 1:40-42; Mark 8:1-3; John 19:25-27; Luke 6:36; James 1:27; James 2:15-17; Psalm 145:9
Main Ideas: God is merciful and wants His children to be merciful too. Mercy sees people in distress, feels compassion for them, and acts to help them. Jesus set the example of mercy that His disciples are to follow.
Memory Verse: Luke 6:36
Lesson: Giver cheerfully and generously.
Scripture References: 1 Chronicles 29:14; Luke 12:32-34; Mark 12:41-44; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 10-12
Main Ideas: Jesus has designed that the needs of His church be met through the giving of His people. Jesus wants His disciples to give cheerfully and generously. God promises spiritual blessing for those who give cheerfully and generously.
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
4th – 5th grade
Lesson: God takes no pleasure in evil and suffering.
Scripture References: John 11:32-35; 2 Samuel 24:10-17; Lamentations 3:31-33; Psalm 5:4
Main Ideas: God takes no pleasure in evil or misfortune; evil and suffering grieve God.
Memory Verse: Lamentations 3:31-33
Lesson: God’s providence over calamities.
Scripture References: Isaiah 45:7; Amos 3:6; Amos 4:6-11; Romans 8:20-22; Numbers 16:1-35;
Main Ideas: God’s providence extends over disasters. Disasters are a result of God’s curse as a consequence of man’s sin. Disasters come directly from the hand of God as judgment for sin, from Satan, from the hand of man, or from natural causes resulting from the curse. Disasters are a mercy- God uses disasters to warn us of the serious consequences of sin and to cause repentance.
Memory Verse: Isaiah 45:7
Lesson: God’s providence over man’s way.
Scripture References: Isaiah 48:17; Proverbs 3:5-6; Proverbs 16:9; James 4:13-15; Jeremiah 10:23
Main Ideas: God controls the way of man; man’s way is subject to the providence of God. We should hold our plans tentatively, acknowledging God’s providence over our way.
Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6