I am going on a week and a half without Facebook. I deactivated my account last week after a run in with some very prurient content and that was the straw that pushed me over the edge. It is a decision that has been building up as I observed Facebook consuming more of my time, more of my mental energy, and as I said above, I noticed more and more prurient content being posted and generally available.
But since canceling it, I have learned something about myself in the process. I have not missed it that much, but when I have missed it, it has been surrounding the idea of self expression. I have come to realize in the past week, that the things I have missed have been the ability to share funny stuff and other assorted self-centered things.
Facebook was becoming a personal PR campaign (and a place to log my running and biking). I believe that social media is here to stay, but a fast from it for me is going well and I am not eager to get back on board.
I am sure there are all kinds of ways that people use Facebook and some are healthy and some are not. Have you carefully considered your use of Facebook? Is it a healthy or unhealthy thing in your life?