Foster Homes Needed

Click the images below for a closer look! Greetings! The Family Enrichment Center and work with the Van Buren DHHS to help recruit and support foster families. Personally, I believe that the role that churches play in caring for the children and families of our community is critical. As a person of faith myself, my…

June 7 “Sunday Service”

Good morning ReCAST!  Here’s a link to today’s “Sunday Service” ReCAST United – 1 Peter 3:8 We plan to meet together next week (June 14), outside, under a tent in the ReCAST Parking Lot! You’ll even be able to pull up and join us from your car. Please pray for all the details that staff…

May 17 “Sunday Service”

Good morning, ReCAST! The “Sunday Service” is up on YouTube! We are in Matthew 18:7-9 this week “Fighting the Disease”.  I am glad we can put out these video services, but I REALLY look forward to seeing some faces in the room while I’m preaching and sure do miss seeing you all on Sundays. SURVEY…