So it just doesn’t seem like it is going to let up. We have hit 100 degrees for the last several days, no rain, humidity and this is just downright un-Michigan! But I am not planning to blog about the weather, as much as my attitude toward the weather. The weather has a way of effecting us all that points out our frailty and weakness.
I can complain about the heat in the Summer, complain about the cold in the Winter, complain about raking leaves in the Fall, and find something to complain about in the Spring (storms or lack of rain, depending on the year . . . ). But this weather has stymied me. I was at a 4th of July party the other day and playing a game of badminton made me sweat like I was a greased pig! That was uncomfortable.
I am a creature very used to comfort. I like things my way and I like them now. So I count it a grace that the weather is something that doesn’t respond to my every whim. That blazing sun in the sky and scorching heat reminds me that I am not as in control as I would like to be. I am not ultimate. I am not central. And I do not exercise authority over many of the things that impact me.
When I come to the end of myself in petty things like the weather, I have two choices. I can complain and whine and wish I was in control. Or I can reflect on God’s sovereign hand, His great love, and His willingness to remind me that I am not ultimate. I wish I did the latter more than the former!
Have you found yourself complaining about the weather? When God turns up the heat, how should we respond?