I thought it may benefit someone out there for me to list the books I have read in the past year and give a one sentence summary of each. I love reading, and have found that books become friends.
1. 1 and 2 Thessalonians (NIVAC)
An excellent commentary series that I have read off and on early in the morning to draw closer to God through understanding His Word and seeking to apply it.
2. Point Man (Farrar)
A very dated book that still held some beneficial challenges for me to take a deeper level of leadership in my family.
3. The Next Level (Gregory)
Very short leadership book that uses a business model as an illustration of the Christoan Life. M
4. The Unchurched Next Door (Rainer)
A helpful book showing the reality that most non-Christians are not hostile to the faith.
5. The Darkest Day (McKiernan)
The last of a three part fantasy fiction series that I read in high school and wanted to reread.
6. Dug Down Deep (Harris)
Read this book with the Men’s group and felt like Harris did a great job opening up discussions about true belief versus just taking what we have been spoonfed.
7. Raising a Modern Day Knight (Lewis)
A helpful but not well written book for men who are raising boys who want to pass on a legacy of Godliness.
8. Jonathan Edwards (Sweeney)
My first foray into reading about the life of Jonathan Edwards and it made me hungry for more.
9. Jonah (Sasson)
10. Jonah (NIVAC)
11. Jonah (NICOT)
12. Jonah (NIBC)
13. Message of Jonah (Nixon)
Complete commentaries that I read for my sermon series on Jonah over the summer.
14. Love Wins (Bell)
Frustrating book that I have significant disagreement with, but it was beneficial to see the way that some people choose to loosely interpret Scripture.
15. Erasing Hell (Chan)
A good book on Hell (which seems like a oxymoron) but not as exhaustive as a promotional video implied it would be.
16. Christ Alone (Wittmer)
Dr. Wittmer’s very quick but quite thorough critique of Bell’s “Love Wins”.
17. I Love You More (Parrot)
A book that has helped me to work through tough circumstances with my wife in a better way.
18. By This Name (Cross)
Our small group went through this book that does a great job giving the overarching theme of Scripture, but in the end, it didn’t turn out to be very good for group discussions.
19. Silent Sea (Cussler)
My first action, spy thriller by Cussler and I enjoyed it despite my lack of interest in fiction in general.
20. Worship Matters (Kauflin)
Book that I read together with Dave Bunt (ReCAST worship leader). It was a great springboard to further discussions about our worship through music at ReCAST.
21. What Is the Mission of the Church (DeYoung)
Read together with Rob and Zac for our Elders retreat. A well thought out book that didn’t really challenge my views because in the ends it landed right where I was at the beginning.
22. Just Do Something (DeYoung)
Fabulous book on the will of God . . . I felt like Kevin DeYoung clearly explains, what I have been trying to communicate for years, and it is a short book!
23. The Next Story (Tim Challies)
Über-challenging book on the use of technology for Christians in this current techno-crazed era. I still am wrestling with the implications and conviction of this book (meaning I have a hard time setting aside technology).
24. Chronological Daily Bible (NIV)
My primary devotional book this year. I read through this Bible and recommend it for anyone wanting to get a grip on the chronological flow of the Bible.
Books are like doorways to new places, different times, and new ideas. What have you been reading in 2011?