Romans 4:1-12 Merely Circumcised
Merely Circumcised
I was born and raised in Michigan. The seasons no longer surprise me. It snows in the winter and gets cold. It gets hot in the summer. The leaves turn and fall in the Autumn. And the flowers bloom in the Spring rains. Each transition from one season to another brings anticipation to my heart.…
Monday February 25, 2019 will go down as a day of ghastly and reprehensible actions by the senate of the United States of America. It makes precious little difference if you are a Democrat or Republican. On this day, Senate Bill 311 (aka: The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act) was voted down in the senate…
I believe that we are an increasingly pragamatic culture. That means that we believe that the value of something is only according to how well it works to produce a desired outcome. This comes out in business models that seek to get results by whatever means work. We value productivity. We value efficiency. And…