Matthew 28:1-15 While the Dawn Breaks
While the Dawn Breaks
During the Deep Darkness
I was planning to write a blog this morning regarding the foundational nature of the Image of God in humanity. This is a bedrock doctrine which can be demonstrated by how frequently it has been attacked by evil and the evil one throughout the centuries. I have not spent much time considering the way that…
Deuteronomy 7:9 “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations” I once was a church planter, and now I am a pastor. Technically, I was both from the beginning, but…
And When They Had Crucified Him
I grew up in between the GARBC and the IFCA. Christians, like the military, love their acronyms and insider speak. Those both stand for General Association of Regular Baptist Churches and the Independent Fundamental Churches of America. Both are loose associations. Both pride themselves in their independence from a larger ecclesiastical accountability. And both would…
What Water Cannot Wash Away