I like mountain biking even where there are no mountains. I like to jog and call it running. I read books to learn stuff. My family is pretty much awesome. ReCAST is the church where I belong. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I like the color yellow.
As a pastor I have worked to try to find a rhythm of ministry that organizes my areas of responsibility around the days of the week. Study is focused on Mondays and Tuesdays. Drafting my sermons is on Wednesdays. I have meetings with staff and elders as well as counseling appointments sprinkled throughout. There are…
1. You Believe that This World is a Safe Place Many of us were shocked at the terrible events in Texas last week as a disturbed and angry man assaulted a church near San Antonio killing many during a worship service. We should be surprised that this doesn’t happen more often! If we believe that…
God has put together an excellent staff at ReCAST and it has been a joy to serve alongside of each and every person. So here are five reasons I love our staff at ReCAST Church. 1. We Work Well Together All of the staff have worked through the Strengthsfinder and we have a hodge-podge of…
500 years ago a Roman Catholic monk nailed 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. And 500 years down the road, the echoes of that hammer still ring loudly in the faith of many. I have been guided by men I have never met. My faith has been shaped and protected by the sacrifices of others.…
This may seem presumptious as a pastor writing about ways to bless your pastor. Self-serving much? But I honestly think that it may be of benefit to the few who read my blog who do not attend ReCAST church to hear from a pastor what is a regular blessing and encouragement to me. 1. Tell…
I just got home from attending a three day conference in Nashville for Pastors and worship leaders. It was an amazing experience for a variety of reasons. Often, attending a conference is like drinking from a fire-hose. This was no different. But here is my attempt to give the highlights of conference. 1. We didn’t…
Last week, my wife and I bought plane tickets for us and our daughter to visit friends from our church who are missionaries in Indonesia. I am looking forward to this trip for many reasons, but the central reason comes from the relationship we have with these specific missionaries. They are friends who we have…
I have a list of scriptures that I have been praying over for my kids for nearly a decade. I was moved when I attended men’s retreat over ten years ago to take up this practice. And so here are 5 of the bajillion reasons I pray for my kids almost every morning. 1. My…