Mission Drift

ReCAST Church began over 9 years ago with a small group of eager Christ-followers who stepped out in faith to begin a new work.  Everybody had a role to play and nobody could just sit by and observe.  Further we knew that if this church was going to succeed we needed to get the word…

Staff Transitions at ReCAST

If you were at the ReCAST volunteer luncheon a couple weeks ago, you heard us announce that Jackie Kline is going to work for Heartland Hospice full-time as their bereavement coordinator.  If you were at our family meeting last Sunday, you heard Nathan announce that he’s going to air traffic control school in Oklahoma next fall. …

Not Just a Number

  I attended a conference with more than 12,000 other pastors and lay-leaders in Louisville, KY earlier in the month and it was an amazing conference with hours of great preaching, amazing worship with thousands of voices lifted up in praise in the KFC Yum! Center.  But out of all that experience one particular nugget…