Welcome to Your Church

In the midst of a pretty large transition, it is possible to develop some confusion. ReCAST Church recently changed venues and also went back to one service from two services. I have received some feedback from several people that they have been experiencing some relational whiplash that I want to address here in my blog.…


Nothing Is Lost

This whole Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 thing has really caught a lot of people’s attention. Humans love a mystery, and they also like to speculate. Everybody fashions themselves as a bit of Crime Scene Investigator and the conversations at the coffee shop have been interesting to say the least. (Apparently we cannot rule out alien…


How Much Error?

I am preparing to teach our youth group on Sunday night on the topic of Hinduism. I have a Masters Degree in Islam and a minor in comparative religions integrated with my Bachelors of Religious Education. I am not trying to set up my credentials, but to make sure anybody reading this knows that I…


Remembering How to Play

As some of you may have heard, a few men from ReCAST went camping last weekend. I’ll give you a minute to put two and two together. Yes, “polar vortex” last weekend. Yes, camping, like thin nylon tents and sleeping-bags camping. When sharing about this now annual adventure of ours, I’ve heard responses that usually…
