Thoughts from Pastor Don Filcek.
I love big cities! There is something about the hustle and bustle of city life that energizes me. I attended a conference for Pastors in Chicago this past week, and if I am honest, I was more excited about being in Chicago than I was about attending the conference. But God met me on His…
This is a post I wrote originally for, primarily for college students, but I think it applies to us all. Welcome to summer, college kids. The torturous stress of exam week has passed, dorm rooms and apartments have been cleared out, books cashed in and temps are rising. The freedom (apart from lame part-time…
It is amazing to me that I have now been preaching almost every week for over four years. That means I have delivered close to 200 sermons, and in a very real sense sermon preparation has become the structure of my life. The skeleton of my weekly schedule revolves around textual analysis on Mondays, Historical…
I read Wired magazine each month, almost cover to cover in order to keep up with technology trends and because I am a bit of a nerd. (Have you seen my Star Wars Lego collection in my office?) In the middle of the April edition I came across a tiny little article that grabbed my…
Happy National Day of Prayer. I hope this day finds you praying. I hope this day is not very different from everyday. I hope that you communicate with God regularly about a whole host of subjects. But I am guessing that you are like me, and prayer can easily slide into a routine that happens…
In the wake of the tragic events in Boston, I reencountered a quotation from Fred Rogers that has become a staple on Facebook whenever tragedy strikes. Fred Rogers was very good working with children and had a long standing Television show and he once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary…
A lot has transpired since Sunday, April 19, 2009! On that morning, we gathered together in the basement of Greg and Jen Nitzel and held our very first service as ReCAST Church. We set up folding chairs in the basement. Had a children’s program with our kids upstairs. Dave Bunt led us in singing with…
In Matthew 24 Jesus, talking to his disciples about the end, says, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and…