Thoughts from Pastor Don Filcek.
Maybe you noticed too, but there seems to be something going on in the government of the United States. Some people are trying to get your attention because they would like you to vote for them! Is it working? Has someone made it to the top of the heap in your opinion? Be sure…
As I was reading through some obscure parts of the Old Testament about the assigning of cities of refuge, God impressed upon my heart His great grace in recognizing the messiness of life in a fallen world. The concept of the city of refuge was God making a provision in the event that someone…
ReCAST Church has been talking about building a building since we started to outgrow our previous facility over fours years ago. I have written blogs sporadically, we purchased 12 acres on McGillen Ave on the eastern edge of the village of Mattawan, and we opened up an expansion fund. I decided early on that…
There is truly nothing new under the sun. Teens these days are confronted with drugs, with social pressure (usually online now), academic pressure, sports performance pressure and everything else that goes along with the struggles on the road to adulthood. The beauty in life, however, is that despite the problems being recycled in various…
Nobody ever refers to the children of an engineer as EKs. Or the children of a Doctor as DKs. But I have often heard children of Pastor’s called PKs. And I have the privilege of raising up three of them. My church has been a blessing to me on this front and I would…
What would you do with the money!? Quick math (you can check on me) indicates that you would need to spend $136,986 per day in order to spend 1.5 billion dollars in 30 years! I know the pay out wasn’t a full 1.5 billion dollars but little math games like this put big numbers into…
This past year was a good year for reading for me. I enjoy reading and have started listening to audio books while I run or work out. For those of you familiar with strengths finder I have input, ideation and learner in my top five strengths meaning that I spend a lot of time…
Don originally posted this in 2015 – his 20th wedding anniversary. This year, 2018, he and his wife are still living the symbol. 23 years and counting… In desperation and youth Linda and I chose to get married 2 days before Christmas in 1995. We were so very young. I finished my final, final exam…