Thoughts from Pastor Don Filcek.
I like to give a recap of my reading for the year. I keep a document that I update with books I finish, and it is fun to go back through the list at the end of every year and be reminded of where I have been. This exercise may be only for my benefit,…
Father, would you send Jesus today? We need him real bad. Our children tremble in fear. Please hasten the day, when the shooting stops. Father, would you bring the light to bare today? The darkness is thick. Terror roams the halls. Please hasten the day, when the shooting stops. Father, would you wake…
None of this blog is manufactured for show. Certainly there is pressure on a pastor and his wife to have an ‘exemplary’ marriage. We are not perfect. And we have our share of spats and squabbles. I am selfish a mile deep . . . But it is better than the ten mile standard when…
Over the years, I have been asked by people to give my five year and ten year plan for the church. This has never really sat well with me. The question honestly is a bit confusing to me for two particular reasons. First, I am unsure if they are asking out of concern for the…
I am rereading the book, ‘The Pastor’ by Eugene Peterson. The book serves as his memoirs and for some reason has spoken so deeply to my soul that I have read it or listened to it more than five times in the past few years. I am currently working through it slowly with our associate…
ReCAST Church was started 12 years ago, and it was right at the rise of the smartphone craze. I had my first iPhone around the start of the church, and I barely knew what to do with it. The App Store was new and amazing, and there were plenty of games to be found to…
I knew from the very beginning of ReCAST Church that I wanted there to be a plurality of leadership. More than just a generalized desire for plurality of leadership in the church, I was convinced from the Scriptures that having more than one person leading a church was what God desires. For this reason, we…
I once heard of a prominent pastor who aspires to preach the entire Bible within His lifetime. And he said in jest that if he has the opportunity, you can be sure that the Song of Songs will be the very last one. True to his word he has not yet preached through the Song…