Thoughts from Pastor Don Filcek.
A lot of time has gone into preparing for a few short hours next Thursday! How many bazillions of dollars have been spent? How many bazillions of miles of wrapping paper have been used? How many pigs gave their all for Christmas hams? I imagine that this must be disappointing to those who practice this…
I have now been attending churches for over 40 years. And I have picked up a few things about church culture that I do not particularly appreciate. And most of the things that trouble me about church culture revolve around the subject of conformity to non-Biblical standards. As a child I picked up on these…
It is scary how quickly the things of life are taken for granted. I was in college when I recieved my first email. Prior to that day, every correspondence I had with a person was via a corded telephone or a mailbox! I am thankful for the ease of communication of our current age. When…
Somewhere between feeling like a hip and cutting edge church planter a few years ago and where I sit right now, I lost my mojo. I could go back and search along the history of the past few years to find it, but I am not sure it was all that I felt it was…
I have been a father for 13 years. It has been a journey of learning about my own strengths and weaknesses. It has had ups and downs. I have been stretched to put away my own schedules, plans, preferences, and iPhone. But I didn’t realize until recently how little I know about parenting. It amazes…
The Bible. The most read, most published, most common book in the world. The old testament prophets would have LOVED to live in our time when the Word of God was completely revealed and available in every bookstore, on every mobile device, and even in a lot of homes. (1 Peter 1:10-12) So, are we…
When I hear some people speak about the call of God it sounds a lot like the expectation that God has a mobile phone. As long as my phone doesn’t ring with a call from God, I am free to do my own thing. It is spoken of as if some people got that call,…
Guess what? Jesus is coming back!! Despite being a nation with a large percentage of people who would call themselves Christians, I wonder if I am in the minority of people who actually believe this is true. Ironically, it seems like there is always someone predicting His return is soon. Someone will tie his second…