Thoughts from Pastor Don Filcek.
I was reflecting on my life this morning and the way that God has led me to be the Pastor at ReCAST Church. And it is a winding path. But there are a few names and places that come to mind that are worthy of mentioning in thankfulness for their part in my life. Steve…
President Obama finally admitted what we already knew. He endorses homosexual marriage. Pastor Andy Stanley gave a dicey sermon illustration and didn’t condemn homosexual practices and has received heat for it. Albert Mohler, the president of Southern Seminary in Louisville at any given time has someone blogging against his very vocal and public stand against…
ReCAST Church turned three on the 19th of April and that is amazing to me. We have been through so much in this short span of time, but I reflect back on times when I had no idea if people would actually come to a church like this. That question has been answered by consistent…
Songs can be powerful! Music has a way of teaching and preaching to our souls in a way that just plain old lecture never can. It connects emotion and words and therefore it has a power to stick with us and even transform our thinking. For that reason, I believe that we need to consider…
Last night was the third annual Star Wars marathon at the Filcek household. For the past three years Adam has had several friends over for an all night marathon. Last night most made it into episode three before nodding off, but some made it most of the way through episode four. It has been a…
I don’t watch much TV. I am not a Luddite and watch movies from time to time and have a Netflix account. It is just that sitcoms rarely have held any interest for me. I do not have cable and the only thing I miss is the occasional sporting event. But there was a new…
I sit on the Van Buren County Substance Abuse Task Force which may seem like a strange place for a Pastor to be, but I was invited and have found it to be a great way to connect with others who have a desire to have an impact in a positive way in this community.…
This week I am preaching the last sermon in the book of Acts and it feels like I am saying goodbye to an old friend. My first sermon on launch Sunday for ReCAST on September 13, 2009 was Acts 1. It has been in the background all along the way, even though I have also…