Thoughts from Pastor Don Filcek.

Stay Home Be Safe - community after Covid blog

Sticky Church

At some point between the idea of planting ReCAST and the actual first church service in that basement over 13 years ago, I attended a conference called Sticky Church.  Another church planter had an extra ticket and I was available that day, so I went along.  The gist of the conference was well intentioned, if…

When to Ask For Help

I think I have noticed a trend.  Maybe it’s just in my local context, which I can speak to quite well.  But I imagine that what I am experiencing is likely happening in the broader context of other churches as well. First of all, I think many people cannot define what a pastor exists to…

Defining Woman

Can we assume that Eve was the first woman?  She was certainly the first female.  But is the word “woman” merely reserved for a gendered cultural expression that can only be defined based on social constructs?  I assume that cultural expressions were quite limited being that just her and Adam existed AND that the fashion…

Why Community?

I am preaching the very difficult passage of 2 Samuel 11 this week.  David and Bathsheba is a super shocking passage in context.  Everything is going great in David’s life and then *WHAM* he’s raping one of his soldier’s wives and murdering her husband as a cover up!  And the text is starkly unemotional about…